Once you have paid your tourist tax, the problem arises of obtaining your receipt. You have probably already paid your visitax and are thinking about how to get your receipt. In this article you will find information on how to obtain your visitax in the shortest possible time.
Steps to obtain your visitax receipt
You can get your visitax receipt depending on the type of payment. Tourist Tax Mexico is required for anyone wishing to visit this region. If you pay online, you will get your receipt in three steps. First of all, you have to fill in the online application form. It will include your name, passport number, age and email address. Then make the payment through a secure page with your credit card or PayPal account. Once the payment has been made, you will receive a unique QR code in your e-mail address within a few hours.
In addition, if you make the payment on the spot in cash, you should receive a copy of your receipt. If this is not the case, you must claim it back, as it is the receipt that proves that the payment has been made.
Importance of the visitax receipt
The receipt is the only thing that proves that you have paid your tourist tax. It is therefore very important to be in possession of the visitax receipt, because without the receipt, it is considered as if you have not yet paid. You will have to pay the visitax before you can leave the country. But if you pay at the port, the problem does not arise, because there, after payment you will have the receipt and will be able to leave the country.
In short, remember that you can get your receipt without going anywhere and that it is very important to have the receipt for your payment. The receipt is proof of your payment. It should also be noted that the visitax is required in many places in Meexico.