The peculiarity of all religions today is based on the holy books. This is all they have in common as they walk by the precepts of these (holy books). Some of these books are revealed in several languages, on the other hand for the holy book of Islam which is the Koran, it is only available in one language, which is Arabic. A divine phenomenon which never ceases to torment the spirits. Discover in this article the reasons why the Quran is only written in Arabic
The Quran written in Arabic to establish justice
The main motive which precedes the choice of Arabic as the language of the revelation of the Koran is imperatively given by ALLAH, La Haute Ligne. For he says in sura 14 verse 4 ‘’ And We did not send a Messenger except with the tongue of his people, to give them light. God leads astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And, He’s the Almighty, the Wise. « . Palpable examples, you can look here. However, the nation on which the message descended was an Arab nation. And this is how the great prophet Muhammad uttered his first cry of life there and lived there. It is therefore normal that the choice of another language arouses controversy. It is for this very reason that God gave the name Al ‘Adl (The Righteous) and sent down the first revelations under the language of the people which is Arabic. So it is with good reason that ALLAH says in sura 41 to verse 44. « If We had made it into a Koran in a language other than Arabic, they would have said : » Why did his verses not have been clearly exposed ? What ? A non-Arab [Quran] and an Arab [Messenger] ? “…” God thus sent down the Koran under the same conditions as the Bible and the Torah.
The choice of Arabic to make the Quran understandable
The other reason for choosing Arabic to write the Quran is that it facilitates meditation. In sura 54 to verse 17, ALLAH said : “Indeed, We have made the Quran easy for meditation…”. At the same time, He said in sura 26 verses 193,194 and 195 ″ and the faithful Spirit descended with it on your heart, that you will be among the warners, in a very clear Arabic language. However, it must be recognized that Arabic is a language which contains only 4 vowels : a, or, i and e. Since all languages other than Arabic have these vowels, anyone from another nation can easily read or even recite the Quran, even if Arabic is not their native language. This claim is justified by the fact that 6-year-olds memorize and recite the Quran every day across the world, regardless of their ethnicity. It can therefore be said that the choice of Arabic as the language of the Holy Quran is a matter at all levels of Divine Wisdom.